In 2021, the governments of Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States announced the AUKUS partnership — a trilateral security partnership which, through collaboration between the three allies, aims to accelerate the development of advanced capabilities based on cutting edge technologies, including nuclear powered submarines. Leveraging each nations relative strengths can act as a true force multiplier across the partnership.

AUKUS presents a once-in-a-generation opportunity to transform Australia's sovereign defence capabilities and deliver economic benefits across the country.

In partnership with the PwC Australia and the Australian British Chamber of Commerce, this report provides evidence-based insights and points for discussion to contribute to the public discourse and ultimately help stakeholders maximise defence and economic opportunities from the AUKUS partnership, including: 

  • increasing defence supply chain resilience,
  • expanding Australia’s advanced manufacturing sector and exports, and
  • accelerating technological innovation.

This evidence base was compiled through a research and consultation process with stakeholders across defence, industry and research institutions.

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