AmCham & The University of Sydney Business School

AmCham & The University of Sydney Business School
How do we maintain a world class health system? How do we reimagine a healthcare system for the future? Three of Sydney’s leading practical intellectuals working in this area are not just responding to these challenges – rather they are leading progressive initiatives directed at improving the health of Australians.  Join our panel event to see how successful change requires the harnessing of diverse outlooks and expertise. pastevent

AmCham & The University of Sydney Business School

Sydney Business Insights Breakfast Series

The future of health: reimagining healthcare

How do we maintain a world class health system? How do we reimagine a healthcare system for the future?

Three of Sydney’s leading practical intellectuals working in this area are not just responding to these challenges – rather they are leading progressive initiatives directed at improving the health of Australians.  They will consider three questions:

How do we move from acute care to healthy populations?
How do we enable coordination between services providers, government, funders and clinical experts?
How do we balance near universal access to world class healthcare with financial sustainability?

Join our panel event to see how successful change requires the harnessing of diverse outlooks and expertise.  


Danny O’Connor is a creative, seasoned and respected health administrator responsible for running one of Australia’s most complex health districts.
Andrew Pesce is one of Sydney’s leading Obstetricians and a former president of the Australian Medical Association.  
Brett Holmes is the Secretary of one of Australia’s largest unions: the NSW Nurses and Midwives Association.  


Professor John Buchanan, Head of Business Analytics at the University of Sydney Business School.


Danny O’Connor was appointed chief executive of the Western Sydney Local Health District (WSLHD) in January 2011. He believes the primary purpose of healthcare is to improve people’s lives. Central to success is a strong partnership with consumers in continually improving the services we provide. Likewise, strong partnership is required between science and practice to ensure the continuous evolution of best practice in clinical care and population health programs. Danny currently serves on the Boards of the Western Sydney Local Health District Board (ex-officio), Westmead Millennium Institute, NSW HealthShare, Westmead Medical Research Foundation, WentWest Primary Health Network.

Brett Holmes is the General Secretary of the New South Wales Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) and Branch Secretary of the ANMF NSW Branch – which represents the industrial and professional interests of 63,000 nurses, midwives and assistants in nursing in New South Wales. Brett is a graduate of the Harvard Trade Union Program and a qualified nursing and midwifery professional. Brett has been NSWNMA General Secretary since 2002.  He sits on a number of boards and committees, including: ACTU Executive, Unions NSW Executive, Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation Federal Executive and Council, and the NSWNMA Council. Brett has dedicated his working life to the improvement of nurses and midwives pay and conditions, which empowers them to deliver safe patient care.

Dr Andrew Pesce is an Obstetrician and Gynaecologist practicing at Westmead, in both the public and private sectors, where he was Clinical Director of Women's Health at Westmead hospital from 2008-2012. He was president of the Australian Medical Association from 2009-11, and was a member of the Lead Clinician Group advising the federal health minister until 2014, chairing the Clinician Engagement working group.  He was medical adviser to Health Workforce Australia, and a member of Ministerial reviews of Reproductive Services, Medical Indemnity Insurance, and a member of the expert advisory group for the Productivity Commission Inquiry into the National Disability Insurance Scheme. He subsequently chaired the National Injury Insurance Medical Misadventure Advisory Group. Andrew is currently a Board member of the Western Sydney Local Health District, Deputy Chair of Medical Insurance Group Australia, and chair of the Specialist Medical Services group, a multidisciplinary specialist group of 110 doctors practicing in Sydney and Brisbane. He is a director of Lorica Health, which leads in health performance data analysis in the health sector, providing data to private health insurers, private hospitals, and the Department of Health. He is a medical adviser to BUPA.


Professor John Buchanan is currently Chair of Business Analytics at the University of Sydney Business School.  Up to 2014 he was Director of the Workplace Research Centre.  His key domains of expertise are in the areas of wage determination, workforce development, health workforce and the work-health nexus.  His current role is principally concerned with deepening the capacity for high impact research and education in the field of data science.  He is also helping build capacity for research and education activity of the Business School to assist in the transformation of health and wellbeing in Western Sydney.  

In Conjunction With


7/11/2017 7:30 AM - 9:00 AM
AUS Eastern Summer Time
The University of Sydney Business School CBD Level 17 133 Castlereagh Street SYDNEY, NSW 2000 AUSTRALIA


Tuesday, 07 November 2017

Future of Healthcare
7:30 AM - 9:00 AM
7/11/2017 7:30 AM

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