Spirit of the AmCham Alliance Awards

The AmCham Alliance Awards were inaugurated in 2021 to identify the pathfinders in the industries that will shape the future economic collaboration between Australia and the United States.

These industries include Artificial Intelligence, Biotechnology, Digital Economy, Clean Energy, Quantum, and Space.

Within these fields, the AmCham Alliance Awards recognise and celebrate emerging and exceptional leaders in the first two-thirds of their careers – the next generation of Australian and American pioneers on the technological frontiers, creating economic prosperity and building people-to-people engagement in the Alliance.



  • Level of achievement
  • Relevance of work to the award category sector and its commercial growth
  • Trailblazing new ideas and initiatives, addressing key challenges and solving problems
  • Established a positive and ongoing connection with and contribution to the US-Australia Alliance
  • Embodies the Spirit of the AmCham Alliance Awards



  • Cash prize of $5,000
  • Invitation to the VIP Finalist Reception in Canberra
  • Invitation to the black-tie Gala including a complimentary night at a luxury Sydney hotel
  • One-year trial membership to AmCham for new members
  • The opportunity to address AmCham Global Leadership Academy
  • Exclusive access to AmCham’s network of over 530 member companies

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